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Crowne Plaza Alexa Integeration

Crowne Plaza was beginning a partnership with Amazon Alexa as the central part of its new Smart Room offering. The idea was to automate a guest's stay by voice as much as possible. Alexa Integration would link to all hotel services as well as in-room tasks like thermostats and lights.

My Role

Creative Direction, Writing



Crowne Plaza

Alexa Integration

Team Members

Lucas Alvarez - Designer

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The website surpassed all goals for involvement as did the PR earned nationally. We even had high school classes use this campaign as part of their curriculum.  That's the kind of unique involvement that creates belonging.

Our task was to create the pilot program for in-hotel interaction and education around the Alexa integrated smart room. We helped with front desk training as well as in hotel promotion. The bulk of the work was focused on in-room communication and education.

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We not only created all the in-room visuals, but we also created the full list of voice commands used by the smart room. The voice commands connected the guest to a variety of hotel and city information as well as control of in-room electronics.

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